
Students of the Month

February Students of the Month Emma Markham (Senior, WLD); Baylie Mortimer (Junior, ME)

January Students of the Month

January Students of the Month Andrew Duposki (Senior, CCM); Natalie Endslow (Junior, AVS)

December Students of the Month

December Students of the Month Trevor Wilt (Senior, MT); Danessa Miller (Senior, GRA)

Students of the Month

November Students of the Month Owen Cronick (Senior, AT); Nillian Spurlock (Junior, CCM)

October Students of the Month

October Students of the Month Korbin Eaches (Senior, AB); Taylor Swiger (Senior, HVC & ME); Gavin Eikleberry (Junior, WLD)

September Student of the Month

September Students of the Month Keaton Murphy (Senior, ECE) Preston Smeltzer (Junior, ME)