2024-25 Academic & Lab Rotations

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: My student is Home-Schooled or takes their academic classes through an online school, when will he/she will take their lab and do they need to come to the Career Center on academic days?
A: A Home-Schooled student will only attend the Career Center on their lab days. He/she will not need to report on academic days.
Q: My student takes their academics at their home district school; how will they be able to attend lab?
A: A student taking academic classes at their home district school will unfortunately not be able to attend the Career Center due to the conflict with their academic classes.
Q: My student takes online academics through their home district school will they be able to take a lab at the Career Center?
A: Yes, as long as the online academics do not interfere with the lab instructional time.
Q: Will my student still be able to participate in band and agriculture education at their home district school?
A: The Career Center will work with the student and the home district school to make every attempt for your student to participate in extra and co-curricular activities. Our belief has always been that it is important for our students to stay active in their home district school activities.
Q: My student will be a senior for the 24-25 school year, will they still be able to go on work release?
A: Seniors who qualifies for work release (have a job in their field of study, have a graduation pathway and meet the academic requirements) may be permitted to begin work release after the first semester. These students will need to attend days they have academic classes here at the Career Center. The student on work release must complete a weekly school issued timesheet so that they can receive credit for their lab.
Should you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us at 419-289-3313, x2212 for Mrs. Jamie Garverick, School Counselor, or x2214 for Mr. Rick Brindley, Principal.