Don't miss out on information about our CCP courses! Be sure to download our new ACWHCC app! Download for Android Download for iPhone
6 days ago, ACWHCC
search for your district or municipality in your phone's app and download the app. 2. Select Allow notifications when prompted on initial download to ensure you receive notifications. 3. Select preferred notification group(s). 3 pictures of the app
Due to construction, we will not be hosting our Fish Fry.
4 months ago, ACWHCC
Fish Fry is Canceled
Attention students and families: We will be delaying the start of school by one day, starting on Tuesday, August 20th. This will be a 'B' day, please know if it is an academic or lab day.
6 months ago, ACWHCC
rotation schedule
Just a reminder that schedule pick up will be held at the Career Center building (not the Adult Education Center) today through Friday, 8am-2pm. Parking and the building entrance are at the back of the building.
6 months ago, ACWHCC
Schedule Pick Up
We would like to encourage students and parents/guardians to be familiar with procedures. These include the following: - A/B Schedule & Daily Schedule - Student Parking - Student Drop-Off We will have schedule pick-up on Tuesday, August 14-Friday, August 16 at the Adult Education Center (AEC), located north of the Career Center building; the former County Building. The building will be open for students to find their academic classrooms. New Student Orientation will be held on Thursday, August 15th from 5:30-7pm at both buildings, however schedules will only be available for pick-up at the AEC. This will be an informal evening to tour the buildings. Get all Back-to-School information at this link,
6 months ago, ACWHCC
Back to school
As construction continues, parking is now located behind the building and the only doors accessible are located up the walkway. Thank you for your attention to these changes.
7 months ago, ACWHCC
Congratulations to our Early Childhood Education program and our students on winning the 2024 National Families First Award at the FCCLA National Leadership Conference.
7 months ago, ACWHCC
ECE Students
During construction, the main building will remain open. Please use the south driveway, parking lot and entrance, if visiting.
8 months ago, ACWHCC
Office Hours
Senior Farewell will be live streamed on YouTube. Click on the link to view.
9 months ago, ACWHCC
Senior Farewell
Senior Farewell is quickly approaching. Dates to know: At ACWHCC - Thursday, May 16th @ 8:30am | Farewell Practice (Mandatory) At AU Kates Gym - Friday, May 17th @ 9:15am | Farewell, students arrive Ceremony begins at 10am. Additional information is available here,
10 months ago, ACWHCC
Senior Farewell
The public is invited to join us for our Groundbreaking & 50th Anniversary Ceremony. We look forward to sharing the evening celebrating our past, while preparing for our future.
10 months ago, ACWHCC
We are selling items on GovDeals. If interested in viewing the items available, visit New items will be added daily.
11 months ago, ACWHCC
We are currently accepting nominations for the Pentagon Award and the Merle C. Plank Outstanding Alumni Award. Please visit to see the criteria for nominating someone for either of these awards.
12 months ago, ACWHCC
Award Nominations
The Spring Open House is set. Students interested in joining a high school program for the 2024-25 school year are encouraged to visit.
12 months ago, ACWHCC
Open House
White Apron Restaurant is open! Call 419-289-3313 x 2233 to order or for reservations. Menu is a available at
12 months ago, ACWHCC
White Apron Restaurant
We invite students and families interested in learning more our our Career-Tech programs to join us to speak with instructors, learn about college credits and the opportunities after high school.
about 1 year ago, ACWHCC
Open House
The October 19th Fish Fry is canceled. Parent/Teacher Conferences will still be held, please call for an appointment. Otherwise the building will be closed to the public.
over 1 year ago, ACWHCC
Fish Fry Canceled
Students are encouraged to start their day fueled up. Breakfast is available every school day.
over 1 year ago, ACWHCC
We love hearing from our former students. Congratulations to Melissa on her accomplishments and we are so glad that we were the starting line of her career journey.
over 1 year ago, ACWHCC
Student Testamonial
Tomorrow, September 26th & Thursday, September 28th, we will host our annual Gloves & Goggles event for the district 6th graders. ACWHCC students not chosen to participate/assist in this event will have remote learning days.
over 1 year ago, ACWHCC
Gloves & Goggles