On January 21st, we ended the 2nd nine-weeks or the 1st semester of this school year. We would like to recognize those students who have achieved perfect attendance.
The following students had Perfect Attendance for the 2nd nine-weeks.
10th Grade:
Harrison Knapp-Ashland High School
Josie Knuth-Mapleton High School
Eithan McDaniel-Ashland High School
Alex Pinnicks-Ashland High School
Hayden Reardon-Loudonville High School
11th Grade:
Nevaeh Anderson-Mapleton High School
Mattie Bates-PSEO/Out of State/Private
Talon Boyd-Ashland High School
Elyse Britton-Ashland High School
James Coffman-Ashland High School
Evan Curtiss-West Holmes High School
Skylar Dunlap-Ashland High School
Hannah Endslow-Loudonville High School
Natalie Endslow-Loudonville High School
Lauren Goley-Ashland High School
Clare Hahn-Loudonville High School
Gwenivere Heiman-PSEO/Out of State/Private
Jamie Holbrook-Buckeye Community School
Megan Hughes-West Holmes High School
Coalton Poole-Loudonville High School
Juan Ramirez-PSEO/Out of State/Private
Izabelle Reigle-West Holmes High School
Preston Smeltzer-Loudonville High School
Brianna Stemen-Mapleton High School
Summer Stroh-West Holmes High School
Bryce Underwood-Ashland High School
Gretchen Weaver-West Holmes High School
Daniel Willems-Quaker Digital Academy
James Zehner-Mapleton High School
12th Grade:
Gennavive Arthur-Mapleton High School
Damion Boley-Ashland High School
Elizabeth Cox-Hillsdale High School
Ayden Frazee-Ashland High School
Alexis Leadbetter-Lexington High School
Allyssa Martin-Ashland High School
Topanga Nagel-Ashland High School
Noah Smith-PSEO/Out of State/Private
Logan Strickler-Ashland High School
Troy Taylor-Ashland High School
The following students have maintained perfect attendance so far this school year or for the 1st semester.
10th Grade:
Harrison Knapp-Ashland High School
11th Grade:
Mattie Bates-PSEO/Out of State/Private
James Coffman-Ashland High School
Evan Curtiss-West Holmes High School
Gwenivere Heilman-PSEO/Out of State/Private
Jamie Holbrook-Buckeye Community School
Coalton Poole-Loudonville High School
Juan Ramirez-PSEO/Out of State/Private
Summer Stroh-West Holmes High School
Bryce Underwood-Ashland High School
Gretchen Weaver-West Holmes High School
12th Grade:
Damion Boley-Ashland High School
Allyssa Martin-Ashland High School
Noah Smith-PSEO/Out of State/Private